
麻薬の携帯輸出入許可申請について 英語版


Any person who intends to enter Japan carrying narcotics

(example:morphine, codeine,oxycodone, pethidine, hydrocodone)

for his / her own medical use is required to obtain an advance permission from the Director-General of one of the eight Regional Bureaus of Health and Welfare, JAPAN.
Methadone can not be imported in any case because methadone may only be used for patients under compulsory hospitalization based on the "Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Law".
Described below are the necessary procedures for obtaining an advance permission from the Director-General, Regional Bureau of Health and Welfare, JAPAN to enter / leave Japan carrying narcotics for his / her medical use.


1 Procedures:

The following documents should be submitted to Narcotics Control Department of one of the eight Regional Bureaus of Health and Welfare in advance (see attached).


2 Required documents:

1) Application form (see appendix)

※ When the re-import (re-export) of the narcotics are foreseen, separate application forms for the import (required for entering Japan carrying narcotics) and for the export(required for departing Japan carrying narcotics) should be submitted together.

※ The estimated quantity of narcotics remaining at the point of departure should beindicated in the application form for the re-export.

2) Medical certificate

A medical certificate by his / her doctor identifying the disease, the necessity of narcotics for his / her treatment, the names of narcotics and their quantities prescribed should be submitted together with the application forms.

3 ) Two weeks is necessary to process the application. In case of urgency, please sendby fax the application forms with medical certificate at least two weeks before your arrival /departure in / from Japan. (The original forms should still be sent by air-mail.)



1) Heroin, Opium powder, Methamphetamine / Amphetamine

No person shall import or export heroin, opium powder, methamphetamine / amphetamine (including their pharmaceutical forms).

2) Cannabis
No person shall import or export any forms of cannabis.

3) Stimulants raw materials
No person shall import / export stimulant raw materials (such as ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, including their pharmaceutical forms).
Import / Export for personal use, except for pharmaceuticals containing
-no more than 10% of ephedrine or
-no more than 10% of methylephedrine or
-no more than 10% of phenylacetic acid or
-no more than 50% of norephedrine,
which can be imported / exported without permission from authorities under the "Stimulants Control Law".




北海道札幌市北区北8条西2丁目1番1号 札幌第一合同庁舎3階

「麻薬・覚醒剤」相談電話 011-726-1000